#26 - Feedsack Friendship
Carmeleta Beidler
White River Junction, Vermont
Machine pieced; hand quilted by Mary Guntz, White River Junction, Vermont
“In 1986, shortly after I moved to the Upper Valley, I met my now dear friend, Ruth Ann Glick. We discovered we had many things in common; one, being quilting. Over the years, that friendship has grown, and together with a small group of mutual friends, we gather to share our love of quilting and our stories. Over many years, Ruth Ann collected feed sacks.
Just last year, she and her husband moved to a smaller home, which meant she had to downsize. She offered her stash of feed sack fabrics to her friends. I was so pleased, having always loved the joyful prints. This spring, after returning from Colorado following the death of my sister and a two-week mandatory quarantine from going to work, I had the opportunity to do some quilting therapy. And what better than a festive, colorful feed-sack quilt. Thank you, Ruth Ann, for your precious friendship and for sharing this wonderful gift!”
~ Carmeleta Beidler