#29 - Adoration of the Dragon Child
Mara Novak
Hartland, Vermont
Machine pieced; appliqué; trapunto; machine embroidered; beaded; machine quilted by Flying Goose Custom Quilting, Hartland, Vermont
“I constructed the dragons on a long-arm machine as a single, large appliqué, using a combination of batik fabric collage and thread painting, with flat poly batting and muslin as a stabilizer. Then, with a layer of high loft poly batting as a base, I layered the dragons over the background, quilted around them and around the border, then cut away the excess batting for a trapunto effect. Finally, I loaded the quilt ‘sandwich’ of backing, flat poly batting and top to quilt the background and borders and to add some contours to the dragons. I particularly liked how the dots on the background fabric were reminiscent of gold coins, and augmented the dragons’ hoard with beads and jewelry.”
~ Mara Novak