#35 - Square in a Square
Judi Simon-Bouton
White River Junction, Vermont
Machine pieced; machine quilted by Katie Smith, Hearthside Quilting, Norwich, VT
“I love color! When I was a child, I remember choos¬ing clothes for the day that were green and blue. I was told by my mother to go upstairs and change, because blue and green clashed. (really?)
One day when I was in 3rd grade, my class walked to the historical society, a dark house with lots of funky things AND a loom!! So, after my husband and I married and bought a house, I got a loom. But I hated warping it!
So, as the years continued to pass and my desire to revive the American craft movement continued, I knitted, tried to learn tat, dyed wool with natural dyes and admired color and how it’s used.
I choose quilting patterns that best help me play with color! Yes, I have a lot of fabric! Ain’t it wonderful! Enjoy!”
~ Judi Simon-Bouton