
View the Quilts

Quilt 13
#13 - Farm Friends

#13 - Farm Friends

Lynne Weatherill 
Sharon, Vermont
Farm Friends

Machine pieced, paper pieced; hand quilted, tied

“I had my first quilt in this show in 2019 and wanted to submit another one. When I came across this Farm Set pattern on Etsy, I thought it would be perfect for the Billings Farm show. The animals are paper-pieced, with as many as 57 pieces in one animal. It is my first paper-pieced quilt. It can be challenging, but I got better at it as I went along and really enjoyed the challenge, even when I had to re-do sections, because I got them backwards and/or inside out! I had fun thinking about the farm and the animals I was bringing to life!”

~ Lynne Weatherill