#16 - Under the Sea Mystery
Judi Simon-Bouton
White River Junction, Vermont
Under the Sea Mystery
Machine pieced, machine embroidered; machine quilted by Home Hearth Quilting, Norwich, Vermont
“Quilting gives me the chance to play with color and shapes. It is truly a gift from my mother’s mother, who I truly thank! She loved cross-stitch! Annually, she would take a Greyhound Bus from Scranton, PA, to Watertown, NY. She’d disembark from the bus with a HUGE can of Pennsylvania Dutch pretzels. She made curtains for our kitchen, and as she cut out circles to make scallops for the curtains, I would sit next to her, and she would hand me circles, so I could hand stitch around the edges to practice.
Eventually, I sat next to her at the table while she used the Singer Featherweight sewing machine that I used to make this quilt!
Much love to the Simon-Yasseen women for their love of creating with ingenuity and color!
Enjoy the quilt show! Thank you, Billings!! And three generations of Yasseen/Simon women.”
~ Judi Simon-Bouton