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Quilt 18
#18 - Mystery Quilt No Name

#18 - Mystery Quilt No Name

Linda Bowers 
Windsor, Vermont
Mystery Quilt No Name

Machine pieced; machine quilted by Sherrill Gould, Windsor, Vermont

“The Heart of the Land Quilters Guild was meeting, and a discussion of a program was a ‘Mystery Quilt.’ Everyone thought that was a great idea. So, on a Saturday, a group of us got together. Sherrill Gould was our program leader. She worked up the first set of instructions prior to the date, so we all had the amount of fabrics needed plus the cutting instructions. On that Saturday she had all the instructions printed. So, you could get instruction #1, and when that was done, you got #2, and so forth. So, at the end of the day, some quilters finished, but kept the design to themselves and the other quilters took the rest of the instructions home to finish.

Then at our next meeting, we all brought over finished quilts to show. It was very interesting to see all the differences in the same pattern.

It was a fun day quilting with our guild friends!”

~ Linda Bowers