
For ages 6-10
Register for the series or for individual sessions

Join us for the Billings Farm Homeschool Club, where history, education and appreciation of the farm meets wonder!


In Billings Farm Homeschool Club, students will be guided through an educational exploration of history and farm-related topics while participating in fun, hands-on activities. Each session will feature  a unique topic with themes like “Sheep & Felted Soap” or “History Detectives”. Instructors will lead exciting and participatory activities such as:  

• Exploring the 1890 Farmhouse
• Making ricotta cheese
• Meeting a sheep
• Making felted soap
• Tasting Sugar on Snow
And more!

The Club is for children ages 6-10. Sign up for individual sessions or join us for the whole series. The 2023 schedule will be announced at a later date.

Safety Policy: As our school programs involve close proximity for extended periods of time, we continue to require masks for all school group participants.

Sample Programs

Sheep & Felted Soap

Meet and learn about one of the sheep from our herd.  Explore the different ways that we can make her wool into yarn and fabric. This session will include a hands-on component where students will make  a felted soap creation to take home!

History Detectives

Solve the mystery of history and learn what life in Vermont was like long ago using photographs, letters, and objects from the past. We will examine special artifacts from our collections and the 1890 Farm Manager’s House and see what we can learn from historic photographs. Students will put on their “history detective” hats to examine primary sources for themselves and present their findings to the group.

Marvelous Maple

Dive into the marvelous world of maple!   As we journey through the beautiful forest, we will learn from a National Park Ranger how to identify maple trees.  We will look at historical tools for sugaring and have the chance to taste a delicious treat of Sugar on Snow. 

Delightful Dairy

Learn about all things dairy! Students will delve into the world of dairy by meeting one of our Jersey cows and seeing how she is milked. We will also meet the farm’s calves, and talk about the life cycle of our dairy cows.  From farm to table, we will travel full circle, ending with an interactive ricotta cheese-making demonstration in our Learning Kitchen.

Children on Hill Farms

Using primary sources from the past, we will explore the role of children as productive members of the 19th century farm family. While learning about their daily lives, including typical chores, the school day, and the games they played, we will compare and contrast the activities of today’s children with those of the past.