On March 17 Frederick Billings purchases the Marsh Homestead.
The Billings estate is 600 acres, increased from 250 acres when purchased in 1869.
Frederick Billings begins building a prize Jersey herd at Billings Farm. Billings is the first Vermont farmer to import Jersey cattle directly from the Isle of Jersey.
Billings brings Southdown sheep to the farm directly from England.
Frederick Billings hires George Atkins as farm manager.
Frederick Billings and George Atkins build the "Farm House" at the Billings Farm. The building is comprised of the manager's residence, office and creamery.
Frederick Billings has a severe stroke and later dies on September 30, 1890, age 67. At his death the estate is 1,100 acres.
Upon Frederick Billings' death, Julia Billings with her daughters, Laura, Mary Montagu and Elizabeth, continue Frederick's work of reforestation and landscape and farm management.
Nearly 100 men employed at the Billings Farm and estate in 1890. In the 1890s, the Billings add new farm and forest land; by 1914 the estate's holdings had grown to approximately 1,400 acres.
Jerseys from the Billings herd win top honors at the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago—best Jerseys at the fair and third best herd overall.
On September 19 George Atkins dies unexpectedly in Woodstock at age 58.
On February 17 Julia Parmly Billings dies in New York at age 79. The estate is divided among her children, Laura Billings Lee, Mary Montagu Billings French, Elizabeth Billings and Richard Billings.
The Windsor County Fair closes in 1932 and Mary Montagu Billings French and Elizabeth Billings purchase the 50 acre fairgrounds adjacent to the main farm in 1933.
Billings Farm operations scale back through the Great Depression. In 1936 the farm sells their herd to Upwey Farms in South Woodstock.
In 1943 the Billings begin the restoration of the farm to its former stature and rebuild the farm as a commercial dairy. They restock the farm's Jersey herd, expand the dairy's bottling capacity and have a fleet of delivery trucks. The lower barns are expanded and modernized.
On June 14 Mary Montagu Billings French dies in Hanover, N.H., age 82. Her three children, John French Jr., Mary French Rockefeller and Elizabeth French Hitchcock inherit the Billings Farm.
Billings Farm and Starlake Dairy join in building a modern milk processing and bottling plant in Wilder, VT.
Laurance and Mary Rockefeller purchase Billings Farm.
Billings Farm & Museum, a project of the Woodstock Foundation, Inc. opens to the public.
Billings' Top Rosanne is National Grand Champion, All American Jersey Show.
The 1890 Farm House is open to the public after a 2-year restoration.
Southdown sheep are introduced to Billings Farm for the first time in 50 years.
Billings Farm and Billings Farm & Museum merge into a single institution.
Expanded Visitor Center with a 96-seat theater, is open to the public.
The Farm's historic wooden silos are refurbished.
Billings Farm & Museum welcomes its one millionth visitor.
Billings Farm cows hit the show circuit after a break of nearly 15 years.
Woodstock Vermont Film Series begins.
Billings Farm Raw Milk Cheddar Cheese debuts. It's the first time in more than 70 years that the farm is marketing a dairy product made exclusively from the milk of it's prize-winning Jerseys and sold under the Billings name.
Jay Craven is appointed curator for the Film Series; programming expands to include year-round offerings.
Billings Farm celebrates 150 years as a Jersey cow dairy. The farm breeds and milks a herd of nearly 50 blue ribbon Jerseys, producing more than 650,000 pounds of milk, some of which goes to Agri-Mark for Cabot products and some of which is used to craft award-winning artisan cheeses in partnership with Grafton Village Cheese. The Woodstock landmark is a Vermont destination which attracts thousands of visitors annually with its educational exhibits, engaging programs and special events that bring to life Vermont's rural heritage.