
Registration is Closed

Enjoy Winter on the Farm!

Explore the joys of farm life in winter with outdoor adventures, cooking fun, farm activities, and winter crafts. This three-day camp provides a unique balance of indoor and outdoor fun, allowing your camper to connect with nature and enjoy winter’s beauty.

Farm activities may include:

    • Collecting eggs
    • Brushing and feeding cows
    • Learning about horse gear
    • Discovering the uses of wool from the Billings Farm Southdown sheep. 

Indoor activities may include:

    • Preparing delicious homemade recipes in our Learning Kitchen
    • Making homemade crayons or wool crafts
    • Listening to story time and playing winter charades

Special activities include:

    • A guided hike in the Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park
    • Festive Friday PJ Day including making popcorn on our wood stove and a watching a movie in our theater

    Plus plenty of outside play!

Proof of Age Required

Please note, guardians of campers must show one proof-of-age document on the first day of the session before the camper will be permitted to participate. Campers who do not have a proof-of-age document will not be admitted. Billings Farm & Museum will not retain any documents provided. 

Acceptable documentation for proof-of-age:

  • birth certificate
  • passport
  • signed doctors note

2025 Dates:

February 19 – 21 

Time: 9 AM – 4 PM; drop off from 8:50-9:00AM.

Refunds can be given if notice is received prior to January 18th with a $50 processing fee. No refunds after January 18th. 


Contact Gabi at gbourassa@billingsfarm.org for registration information.