Volunteer with us using Point!

We use a volunteer platform called POINT for sharing opportunities that support our Special Events, Education Programs, Quilt Exhibition & Farmstead Garden. Point is easy to use and will allow you to quickly choose what shifts you want to sign up for. You can keep track of your hours, see your impact, and easily share the fun with your family and friends. Follow these steps to join:

  1. Search above for the opportunity you’re interested in and click on it
  2. You will be brought over to the POINT app
  3. If you’re on a computer, please click the “Log In” button next to where it says “Hello there!” at the top of the page. If you’re on a phone, please download the POINT app on the App Store, or Google Play.
  4. You will be asked to create an account. This is a one-time action. Once you have an account, signing up for a shift will be quick and easy!
  5. Please enter all the necessary information accurately. 

  6. Click “Create a POINT account”
  7. Now you’re ready to go! Sign up for your first shift. You will hear from us shortly, confirming your spot.

Thank you so much for your support! If you have any questions, please review the sign up steps on the POINT guide or email us at volunteer@billingsfarm.org. We’re happy to help.